Thursday, October 6, 2011

Things are going GREAT!

One down and many more to go! That's my new outlook on things right now. We had our first fundraiser this past weekend and it was a success! I would like to thank all of the people who donated to the garage sale. We collected a little more than $1,500! Not too bad for one day. Demarion continues to do awesome. I can't wait until we actually get to get on the plane and know that we are on our way. The next fundraiser will be in November. I would like to envite everyone to come out and join us for this banquet. There will be a catered dinner, entertainment, door prizes and a silent aution. For all of you that like to bowl, there will be a bowling tournament hosted by Southwestern Christian University in December. This entire team is excited about helping their new honorary member get to China! I'm so thankful to Coach Shaun Koonce for putting this event together. So, those are the things that are coming up in the next few weeks. Thanks to all of you for your love, support and prayer.

Benefit Banquet
Sunday November 6, 2011 3:00 pm
The Centre
4325 Northwest 50th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
Tickets $25/single, $45/couple, $190/table (seats 8)
Purchase tickets by calling (405) 301-1323 or e-mail Edna @

Demarion Pittman Benefit Bowling Tournament
Saturday December 10, 2011 12:00 noon-6:00 pm
Holiday Lanes Bowling Center
4 member teams (any combination)
3 games
Contact Coach Shaun Koonce  (405) 863-7132 to resgister your team